Call 911 if it is an emergency, and you are unable to reach me. (I return calls within 24 hours.)
Suicide and Crises Lifeline - hotline is 988
Bowen, Murray, Family Therapy in Clinical Practice, 1978.
Davis, Martha, PhD and Eshelman, Elizabeth Robbins, MSW, The Relaxation & Stress Reduction Workbook Sixth Edition, 2008.
Gilbert, Roberta, Extraordinary Relationships, A New Way of Thinking about Human Interaction, 2017.
Gilbert, Roberta, Connecting With Our Children Guiding Principles for Parents in a Troubled World, 1999.
Gilbert, Roberta, The Eight Concepts of Bowen Theory, 2004.
Greenberger, Dennis, PhD, and Padesky, Christine A., Phd, Mind Over Mood, Second Edition, Change How You Feel by Changing the Way You Think, 2016.
Harrison, Victoria, My Family My Self A Journal of Discovery (order through website).
Kerr, Michael E., Bowen Theory's Secrets Revealing the Hidden Life of Families, 2019.
Kerr, Michael and Bowen, Murray, Family Evaluation, 1988.
Ketcham, Katherine and Asbury, William F., Beyond the Influence Understanding and Defeating Alcoholism, 2000.
Rossman, Martin, M.D., The Worry Solution, 2010.
Maryland suicide and crises helpline is 988
Alcoholics Anonymous
Narcotics Anonymous 1-800-317-3222,
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